Question Banks


EducAide Original

Common Core Math in Spanish

Grade Levels Elementary (K-5) Middle (6-8) High (9-12)    
Subjects Mathematics Science Social Studies ELA Other
Question Types Multiple-Choice Interactive Short Answer Free Response Passage-based
Features Paired Questions Ordered by difficulty Spanish Translation    
Number of questions: 7,807
Originally published by: EducAide Software, the maker of Problem-Attic
Database organization: Topics
Requires subscription: Yes

Design Highlights

  • All questions are hand-written by highly qualified teachers and curriculum specialists. (They are not algorithm-generated or “crowd-sourced”.) In addition, they are carefully aligned, edited and reviewed by EducAide Software, the maker of Problem-Attic, which has 20 years of experience developing questions for state standards.
  • The database is intended for both instruction and assessment. Alignment to the standards is as tight as possible while still allowing some flexibility for teaching, not just testing. While questions function very well for measuring student progress, in accordance with the standards, some questions are included for challenge, extra credit, and extending ideas.
  • Questions are aligned to only one standard. There is no duplication. For questions that can conceivably go with multiple standards, we went for the best fit. We also tried to keep similar questions together, so that it's not necessary to jump through multiple standards to find variations.
  • All questions are paired for easy pre- and post-testing, makeup tests, etc. You will not notice this on the sample documents, but if you visit the Play Area, it will be apparent that two questions in-a-row are always similar. This provides a nice balance between repetition and variety and also helps with test security, as the two questions, which are close in difficulty and style, can be assigned to different students and graded the same way.
  • Problem-Attic has an option called “parallel forms” that takes advantage of the paired questions. You can very quickly create pre- and post-tests, makeup tests, forms A and B, etc. More details are here.
  • The questions are rich with graphics and interesting scenarios, including real-world data. With the editor, you can use all of this as stimulus for new questions. The process is facilitated with a button in the editor labeled “Duplicate”. Also, Problem-Attic is smart enough not to repeat certain figures or text which is marked as an “intro”, if it appears in successive questions.


This bank has Spanish translations for most of the grade 1–5 questions in the Common Core math bank. All of the questions are organized by standard. Like the Common Core math bank, the questions here are originally written by EducAide, the maker of Problem-Attic, and are included in a school subscription. Except for newer interactive questions in English, there's a one-to-match between the two banks. It's fast and easy to switch between the languages, read about it here.

Per the Common Core State Standards Initiative,“These standards define what students should understand and be able to do in their study of mathematics.” For more information about CCSS, state adoption, and how the standards are meant to improve teaching and learning, please visit